6 Types of Chinese Tea: Production Process, Benefits, Brewing

Three different kinds of tea are contrasted on the table

Tea, originating in China over 6000 years ago, holds a rich history. Modern science has identified over 450 organic and 40 inorganic elements in tea. Its benefits range from refreshing to aiding digestion and weight loss.

China boasts a variety of teas, commonly classified into six major types based on color and processing: Green, White, Yellow, Oolong, Black, and Dark tea.

Comparison of 6 kinds of Chinese tea

Main RegionsZhejiang, Jiangsu, Anhui, Henan, Hunan, etc.Fujian, Yunnan, Shaanxi, Jiangxi, Guangdong, etc.Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan, Anhui, Zhejiang, etc.Guangdong, Fujian, Taiwan, etc.Anhui, Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, etc.Hunan, Hubei, Guangxi, Sichuan, etc.
FermentationUnfermented 0% – 5%Slightly fermented 0% – 10%Slightly fermented 10% – 20%Semi-fermented 30% – 60%Fully fermented 80% – 90%Post-fermented 85% – 100%
CharacteristicsGreen leaves, clear soup, refreshing aromaWhite with a hint of green, yellow-white soup, fragrant and sweetYellow leaves, golden bright soup, sweet and refreshingGreenish-gold, fragrant and mellowHigh fragrance, rich taste, red leaves and soupCoarse dark brown, strong and mellow
Suitable forSmokers, drinkers, those with heat, acne, high blood pressure, diabetesPoor sleepers, high-stress individuals, toothaches, inflammation, diabetesIndigestion, loss of appetiteIndigestion, dry mouth, obesityWeak constitution, weak spleen and stomach, cold limbs, greasy dietObesity, cardiovascular patients, greasy diet, weak constitution, low immunity
AvoidNeurological disorders, low blood sugar, kidney issuesPostoperative patients, weak spleen and stomach, neurological disordersLiver patients, iron-deficiency anemia, urinary stonesEmpty stomach, low blood sugarStones, anemia, neurological disorders, insomniaYin deficiency, internal heat, anemia

Green Tea (绿茶)

Green tea, a shrub or small tree in the Theaceae family, is characterized by slender leaves and small white flowers. It blooms from October to February. Originating in China, it is widely distributed in provinces like Henan, Anhui, and Zhejiang, as well as in countries like Japan, Thailand, North Korea, and South Korea. Green tea thrives in moist, warm environments, preferring fertile, loose, and slightly acidic soil while avoiding direct sunlight, high temperatures, and humidity.

Green tea grows all over the mountains
Image Source: [千库网]


Green tea is a non-fermented tea, retaining over 85% of the natural substances in fresh leaves. It contains polyphenols, caffeine (preserving over 85% of the content in fresh leaves), and chlorophyll (retained at around 50%). With its “clear soup, green leaves, and a restrained taste,” green tea offers unique effects such as anti-aging, anti-cancer, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties, surpassing fermented teas in these aspects.

Production Process

  1. Picking: The key to green tea production lies in picking. Tender, young, and well-proportioned buds and leaves are selected, typically between April and May.
  2. Fixation: Immediate fixation of the picked leaves prevents the oxidation of nutrients, ensuring long-term preservation and a fresh taste. Common methods include pan-frying and baking.
  3. Rolling: Rolling alters the shape and structure of the leaves, significantly impacting the tea’s quality. It aims to rupture the surface, aiding the enzymatic processes for flavor development. The duration varies for different teas, generally between 15-40 minutes.
  4. Drying: Drying evaporates the tea’s moisture, enhancing its aroma. Common methods are baking, pan-frying, and sun-drying. Usually, green tea undergoes initial baking and then pan-frying to avoid clumping in the pan due to high water content post-rolling.

Health Benefits

Green tea is associated with various health benefits, including improved eyesight, anti-aging, and mental alertness.

  1. Improved Eyesight: Rich in vitamin A, green tea promotes various physiological functions related to growth, bone maintenance, and vision, contributing to improved eyesight.
  2. Anti-Aging: Abundant in polyphenols, green tea exhibits strong antioxidant properties, mitigating aging effects and providing anti-aging benefits.
  3. Mental Alertness: With a moderate caffeine content, green tea stimulates the central nervous system, enhancing mental alertness and clarity.

Brewing Method

Choose a white porcelain or celadon bowl to complement the tea’s light color.

  1. Warming the Cups: Pour boiling water into the bowl, fair cup, and tasting cup, ensuring cleanliness and enhancing the tea’s aroma.
  2. Adding Tea Leaves: As the bowl separates tea and water, a larger amount (3-5g) of tea leaves is typically used compared to glass brewing.
  3. Brewing: Pour 85°C-90°C hot water along the bowl’s edge slowly. Avoid pouring water directly on the leaves to prevent damage.
  4. Decanting: Cover the bowl, wait for 15s, and then decant into the fair cup. As green tea isn’t suitable for long steeping, subsequent infusions can have increased steeping time and water temperature.
  5. Pouring: Pour the tea from the fair cup into pre-warmed tasting cups.
  6. Enjoying: Savor the refreshing aroma of green tea.

Common Green Teas

Longjing Tea (西湖龙井), Biluochun Tea (碧螺春), Xinyang Maojian (信阳毛尖), Huangshan Maofeng (黄山毛峰), Lu’an Leaf (六安瓜片), Taiping Houkui Tea (太平猴魁), Zhuyeqing (竹叶青), Lushanyunwu (庐山云雾), Enshiyulu (恩施玉露), etc.

White Tea (白茶)

White tea, a unique and prized category among Chinese teas, belongs to the lightly fermented tea group. Its name comes from the fact that the finished tea is mostly buds covered with white hair, resembling silver snow. White tea skips steps like fixation or rolling, requiring only sun-drying or mild heat processing.

White tea leaves are in bowls and placed on the table
Image Source: [千库网]


Characterized by a full coat of white hair, light-colored infusion, fresh and mellow taste, and a significant presence of buds, white tea is known for its “green attire wrapped in white.” The buds are plump, the infusion is bright yellow, and the taste is refreshing. White tea, with its cooling nature, is believed to have the efficacy of reducing heat and fever.

Production Process

The production process of white tea is the most natural. Fresh tea leaves are spread thinly on bamboo sieves or trays and left to wither naturally in weak sunlight.

  1. Picking: Select fresh leaves with evenly sized buds, short stems, and a tender appearance. Use bamboo baskets for harvesting and storage.
  2. Withering: After picking, spread the leaves evenly on bamboo sieves under natural sunlight. The duration depends on light intensity and temperature, generally taking about 2 to 3 days.
  3. Drying: Initial drying involves a temperature of 100–120°C for 10 minutes in a drying machine and a cooling period of 15 minutes. Subsequent drying is done at a lower temperature, around 80–90°C.

Health Benefits

White tea offers various health benefits, including anti-inebriation, heat-clearing, lung-moistening, liver-regulating, anti-inflammatory, detoxifying, blood pressure-reducing, lipid-lowering effects, and fatigue elimination.

  1. Promotes Blood Sugar Balance: Besides inherent nutrients found in other teas, white tea contains essential active enzymes. Regular consumption significantly increases lipoprotein lipase activity, promoting fat breakdown metabolism, effectively controlling insulin secretion, decomposing excess blood sugar, and promoting blood sugar balance.
  2. Eye Health: Rich in provitamin A, white tea aids vision by synthesizing rhodopsin. This enhances clarity in low light conditions and prevents night blindness and dry eye disease.
  3. Liver Protection: Compounds like dihydro myricetin flavonoids in white tea protect the liver. They accelerate the breakdown of ethanol metabolites, reducing damage to liver cells. White tea is also considered a remedy for hangovers.

Brewing Method

It is recommended to use a lidded bowl for brewing, as it does not compromise the tea’s aroma or the quality of the infusion.

  1. Warming the Vessel: Rinse the lidded bowl with boiling water to remove residual odors, enhancing the aroma.
  2. Adding Tea Leaves: For white tea, a white porcelain lidded bowl is recommended with a capacity of about 110–120 ml. Use 3–5 grams of tea leaves.
  3. Aroma Appreciation: After adding tea leaves, use the heat of the bowl to appreciate the dry tea’s aroma, checking for any foreign scents.
  4. Brewing: Brew at a water temperature of around 80°C. Pour water along the bowl’s edge gently to avoid directly hitting the tea leaves.
  5. Tasting: Once the temperature in the bowl has lowered, savor the tea.

Common White Teas

Gongmei (贡眉), Silver tip pekoe (白亳银针), White Peony (白牡丹), Shoumei (寿眉), Tianshanbai (天山白), etc.

Yellow Tea (黄茶)

Yellow tea belongs to the lightly fermented tea category, sharing a processing method similar to green tea. However, it introduces a unique “yellowing” step before or after the drying process, causing partial oxidation of polyphenols and chlorophyll.

A man is throwing tea into a teapot
Image Source: [千库网]


The distinct characteristic of yellow tea is its yellow infusion and leaves. The key feature in its production is the “yellowing” process. This involves using high-temperature fixation to deactivate enzymes. The subsequent oxidation of polyphenolic substances is induced by warm and humid conditions, producing some colored compounds. If the discoloration is mild, it becomes yellow tea; if it’s more pronounced, it transforms into black tea.

Production Process

The primary steps in yellow tea production are fixation, yellowing, and drying. Rolling is not a necessary step for yellow tea. For example, Junshan Silver Needle Tea and Mengding Huangya do not involve rolling, and Huangdacha undergoes rolling concurrently with pan-firing, without a separate rolling process.

  1. Fixation: The fixation process for yellow tea is similar to green tea but with a slightly lower temperature and a longer duration. This involves more “yellowing” to break down the activity of enzymes, leading to more significant damage to chlorophyll and the automatic oxidation and isomerization of polyphenols. This step enhances tea fragrance while dissipating grassy and bitter tastes.
  2. Yellowing: Yellowing is a crucial and unique step in yellow tea processing. It can occur either when the leaves are damp after fixation or rolling or when the semi-finished product is damp after initial drying. The key factors affecting yellowing are the moisture content and leaf temperature, with yellowing times ranging from several minutes to several hours for different types of tea.
  3. Drying: Yellow tea is typically dried in stages. Drying methods include baking and pan-firing. The drying temperature for yellow tea is relatively low, following a “low first, then high” principle. The initial low-temperature baking slows down water evaporation, creating a warm and humid environment. This allows the tea leaves to slowly dry while undergoing further yellowing.

Health Benefits

Yellow tea offers various health benefits, including enhancing immunity, lowering blood pressure, antioxidation, improving digestion, and refreshing the mind.

  1. Enhances Immunity: Yellow tea contains various vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, zinc, and iron, enhancing the body’s immune system and preventing diseases like the flu.
  2. Lowers Blood Pressure: Components like tea polyphenols and catechins in yellow tea have a blood pressure-lowering effect, serving as auxiliary treatment for hypertension.
  3. Antioxidation: Substances like tea polyphenols and catechins in yellow tea exhibit strong antioxidative effects, clearing free radicals, protecting cells, and slowing down the aging process.
  4. Improves Digestion: Yellow tea, rich in polyphenols, promotes gastrointestinal peristalsis and increases digestive fluid secretion, aiding digestion and alleviating stomach pain and indigestion.

Brewing Method

Yellow tea is often brewed in a lidded bowl for optimal aroma.

  1. Warming the Vessel: Rinse the lidded bowl and pour boiling water around the edges, allowing it to warm. Cover the bowl and pour the hot water into the fairness cup. Transfer the water from the fairness cup to the tasting cup, warming them.
  2. Adding Tea Leaves and Aroma Appreciation: Add approximately 5 grams of tea leaves. Gently shake the lidded bowl three times to release the tea aroma, using the heat inside to appreciate the dry tea’s fragrance.
  3. Pouring Tea: For a single brewing of yellow tea, it’s recommended to pour the tea four times, each time filling the fairness cup two-thirds full, leaving one-third in the cup. The first brewing time is 1.5 minutes, the second is 2 minutes, the third is 3 minutes, and the fourth is 4 minutes (you can adjust the time slightly based on the thickness of the tea leaves).
  4. Pouring Into Cups: When pouring into cups, keep the spout of the fairness cup about 2 centimeters from the mouth of the tasting cup to prevent excessive dissipation of aroma.
  5. Tasting: First, smell the tea aroma, then observe the color of the infusion, and finally, taste the tea. Take small sips to allow the tea and the taste buds on the tongue to fully interact.

Common Yellow Teas

Junshan Silver Needle Tea (君山银针), Mengding Huangya (蒙顶黄芽), Huoshan Huangya (霍山黄芽), Yuan’an Yellow Tea (远安黄茶), Pingyang Huangtang (平阳黄汤), Beigang Maojian (北港毛尖), etc.

Oolong Tea (乌龙茶)

Oolong tea is a semi-fermented tea, and its most outstanding characteristic is its aroma. Among the six major tea categories, oolong tea is known for having the most intense and rich aroma, with floral and fruity notes being typical.

Oolong tea leaves are placed on the table
Image Source: [千库网]


  1. Lightly Fermented Oolong Tea: Appearance*:* Greenish with a honey-green, bright and golden hue. Aroma*:* Fresh, elegant floral fragrance. Taste*:* Mellow, refreshing, good astringency, strong aftertaste. Examples*:* Wenshan Baozhong, Lightly Tieguanyin.
  2. Moderately Fermented Oolong Tea: Appearance: Greenish-brown. Infusion: Deep orange-yellow or orange-red, displaying a golden ring. Leaves: Thick, soft. Aroma: Rich floral and fruity notes. Taste: Strong, mellow, sweet aftertaste. Examples: Traditional Tieguanyin, Wuyi Rock Tea, Minbei Narcissus, Fenghuang Dancong.
  3. Heavily Fermented Oolong Tea: Infusion: Amber in color, bright. Aroma: Honey or ripe pear fragrance. Taste: Sweet, mellow, and rich. Example: Pekoe Oolong.

Production Process

  1. Picking: Selecting tender leaves.
  2. Withering: Withering involves cooling and sun-drying. It enhances leaf toughness and facilitates subsequent processes. Simultaneously, enzyme activity increases, releasing a grassy aroma.
  3. Shaking: Shaking is critical for oolong tea. It damages leaf tissues, promoting the oxidation of polyphenols, producing colored compounds, and forming the unique aroma of oolong tea.
  4. Frying: Similar to the fixation process in green tea, frying inhibits enzyme activity, controls oxidation, and fixes the quality formed during the shaking process.
  5. Rolling: Rolling breaks leaves, curls them into strips, reduces volume, and facilitates brewing. It also helps in squeezing some tea juice onto the leaf surface, enhancing flavor.
  6. Drying: Drying inhibits enzymatic oxidation, evaporates moisture, softens leaves, eliminates bitterness, and promotes a mellow taste.

Health Benefits

Oolong tea contains over 450 organic chemical compounds and more than 40 inorganic mineral elements, providing numerous nutritional and medicinal benefits.

  1. Weight Loss: Oolong tea has a slimming effect by dissolving fats, especially due to its main component, tannic acid, which is closely related to fat metabolism.
  2. Lowering Blood Lipids: Drinking oolong tea can reduce blood viscosity, prevent red blood cell aggregation, improve high coagulation states, increase blood flow, and enhance microcirculation.
  3. Anti-Aging: Regular consumption of oolong tea maintains a higher level of vitamin C in the blood, which has anti-aging effects.

Brewing Method

For those who want to appreciate the aroma of oolong tea, it is essential to choose the right tea set. A Yixing purple clay teapot or a small lidded bowl is suitable for brewing when entertaining guests.

  1. Warming the Vessel: Rinse the tea set with boiling water to clean and warm it.
  2. Warming the Cups: Pour boiling water into the cups to warm them.
  3. Warm Infusion: Place 7 to 8 grams of tea leaves into the teapot or lidded bowl. Pour in boiling water just enough to cover the leaves. Quickly pour out the tea into a fairness cup, then warm the cups again. This step is to awaken the tea’s essence.
  4. Brewing: Pour boiling water into the teapot or lidded bowl again and let it steep for 25 to 30 seconds (adjust according to personal preference for tea strength).
  5. Tasting: Shorten the second brewing time to 20 seconds, and for subsequent brews, add 10 seconds each time.

Common Oolong Teas

Tieguanyin Tea (铁观音), Dahongpao Tea (大红袍), Cinnamon Tea (肉桂茶), Narcissus Tea (水仙茶), Wuyi Rock Tea (武夷岩茶), Fenghuang Dancong (凤凰单丛), etc.

Black Tea (红茶)

Black tea is not naturally grown but rather processed from green tea. It is made from the new leaves of suitable tea trees through a series of refined processes such as withering, rolling, fermentation, and drying. The fermentation process induces chemical reactions in the components of the tea leaves. When brewed, it presents a unique deep red color, earning it the name “black tea.”

A man is pouring black tea into a cup with a teapot
Image Source: [千库网]


The quality of black tea is summarized as “red soup, red leaves, high aroma, and mellow taste.”

Black tea typically has a reddish-brown color, sometimes with golden or deep red hues. High-quality black tea has a glossy appearance, with uniform leaf size, shape, and color.

The infusion of black tea is usually reddish-brown, occasionally with golden or deep red tones. Good-quality black tea has a clear and bright infusion, while lower-quality ones may exhibit a murky appearance.

Production Process

Black tea belongs to the fully fermented tea category, using the bud and leaves of the tea plant. It undergoes typical processes like withering, rolling, fermentation, and drying.

  1. Withering: The leaves are placed in the air at an appropriate temperature and humidity to become soft and gradually lose some moisture. This semi-moist state is a key factor in forming the unique quality of black tea.
  2. Rolling: Rolling is a crucial step in the processing of black tea. The surface cells of the tea leaves rupture during rolling, forming many small, ball-like broken cell groups. These broken cell groups are easy to dry and contribute to the softening and ripening of the tea leaves. Thus, rolling promotes the drying process and imparts the unique quality of black tea.
  3. Fermentation: Fermentation refers to the microbial metabolic process in tea leaves. The success of the fermentation process directly affects the quality of black tea. Black tea can be divided into several stages of rolling and fermentation, such as rolled and fermented, piled and fermented, etc. The fermentation of black tea is the result of both natural and artificial processes.
  4. Drying: Drying involves reducing the moisture content of the fermented tea leaves to the desired level and shape. Black tea is typically dried by sun exposure or using drying machines.

Health Benefits

Black tea is rich in nutrients such as carotene, vitamin A, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, caffeine, theanine, and various amino acids.

  1. Refreshing and Heat-clearing: Drinking black tea in the summer can relieve thirst and heat. The polyphenols, carbohydrates, amino acids, pectin, and other substances in tea react with saliva, stimulating saliva secretion and creating a moist feeling in the mouth. Caffeine also controls the body temperature by acting on the hypothalamus.
  2. Anti-inflammatory and Antibacterial: The polyphenolic compounds in black tea have anti-inflammatory effects. Experimental studies have shown that catechins can bind to bacteria, causing protein coagulation and precipitation, inhibiting and eliminating pathogens. Therefore, drinking black tea is beneficial for bacterial dysentery and food poisoning patients.
  3. Stomach-nourishing: Black tea, processed through fermentation and roasting, is gentle on the stomach and can even nourish it. Regular consumption of black tea with added sugar and milk can have anti-inflammatory effects and protect the gastric mucosa, which is also effective in treating ulcers.

Brewing Method

Before drinking black tea, regardless of the method used, prepare the tea set, such as a kettle for boiling water, cups or bowls for serving, etc. Clean each item with clean water to avoid contamination.

  1. Warming the Pot and Cups: Pour boiling water into the empty lidded bowl, then pour the tea out into the fairness cup. Pick up the fairness cup and gently shake it, then pour hot water into the tea cup. Finally, use tea tongs to lift the cups one by one, allowing the hot water to evenly cover the inner walls before pouring it into the tea tray.
  2. Weighing and Adding Tea: When brewing black tea, it is recommended to add 5 grams of tea for a standard 110 ml lidded bowl.
  3. Brewing with Boiling Water: Brewing with boiling water can bring out the multi-layered aroma of black tea. For most black teas, you can skip the step of washing the tea since good-quality tea doesn’t need washing.
  4. Tasting: When tasting the tea, gently blow on it to cool it down and sip slowly.
  5. Adding Sugar: If you like sweetness, you can add a small amount of sugar before tasting and stir it with a teaspoon.

Common Black Teas

Keemun Black Tea (祁门红茶), Zhengshan Xiaozhong (正山小种), Jinjunmei Tea (金骏眉), Yunnan Dianhong (云南滇红), Rizhao Black Tea (日照红茶), etc.

Dark Tea (黑茶)

Dark tea ((also known as post-fermented tea or fermented tea) belongs to the category of post-fermented tea and is unique to China with a long production history. Dark tea contains rich vitamins and minerals, along with proteins, amino acids, and sugars.

Pour Pu-erh tea from teapot into cup
Image Source: [千库网]


The aroma of sweet wine or pine smoke is a typical characteristic of aged dark tea. This is because, after post-fermentation, the aromatic substances in the tea undergo changes, forming a fragrance dominated by floral notes. This aroma is usually present in the dry tea leaves and lasts for a long time. Therefore, smelling the aroma is an important characteristic of dark tea quality.

Production Process

The production process of dark tea generally includes four steps: kill-green, rolling, post-fermentation, and drying.

  1. Fixation:Fixation Due to the coarse and aged nature of dark tea raw materials, to avoid insufficient moisture and uneven fixation, water is generally sprayed at a ratio of 10:1 (10 kg of fresh leaves to 1 kg of water), except for rain-soaked leaves, dew-soaked leaves, and tender bud leaves. The watering should be uniform to ensure even and thorough killing.
  2. Initial Rolling: Since dark tea raw materials are coarse and aged, rolling should follow the principles of light pressure, short time, and slow rolling. The rolling machine’s speed is around 40 revolutions per minute, and the rolling time is about 15 minutes. When the dark tea tender leaves become strips and the coarse and aged leaves become wrinkled and folded, it is ready.
  3. Post-fermentation: This process is crucial and a significant step in forming the color, aroma, and taste of dark tea. Choose a dark and clean place, with the post-fermentation heap generally not exceeding one meter in height, and the surface covered with wet cloth or straw mats. Both temperature and humidity are critical; if it gets too dry, water needs to be sprayed, and if it’s too wet, turning is necessary. When the tea leaves turn yellow-brown, are transparent when seen against the light, and the green aroma has dissipated, replaced by a faint wine aroma, the post-fermentation is complete.
  4. Secondary Rolling: After moderately breaking the dark tea cake formed during post-fermentation, perform a secondary rolling on the machine. The pressure is slightly less than during the initial rolling, and the time is generally 6 to 8 minutes.
  5. Drying: The drying of dark tea is typically done using pine wood and a strong fire, without avoiding the smell of smoke. A specially made seven-star stove is used, with seven holes at the air inlet, and tea-drying pits of different sizes. Pine wood is used for the open fire. During roasting, the color of the tea leaves gradually turns shiny black, with a unique pine smoke aroma. This is when the production of dark tea is considered complete.

Health Benefits

Dark tea has effects on regulating blood sugar, blood pressure, promoting digestion, and aiding in weight loss.

  1. Regulating Blood Sugar: Dark tea contains complex compounds of tea polysaccharides, which play a crucial role in controlling sugar. Therefore, moderate consumption of dark tea can help regulate blood sugar levels, and it can be suitable for diabetes patients.
  2. Regulating Blood Pressure: The unique tea amino acids in dark tea can inhibit the increase in blood pressure by activating dopamine neurons. The caffeine and catechins in dark tea can relax the blood vessel walls, causing vasodilation. Therefore, it has the effect of regulating blood pressure, and it can be consumed in moderation by hypertensive patients.
  3. Promoting Digestion: Substances such as caffeine, vitamins, amino acids, and lecithin in dark tea are helpful for food digestion. They can regulate fat metabolism, and the stimulating effect of caffeine can increase the secretion of gastric juice, thereby improving appetite and aiding digestion.
  4. Weight Loss: Dark tea contains abundant vitamin B1, which plays an important role in the process of fat oxidation and heat release during the breakdown of fat, promoting fat burning. The rich tannic acid in dark tea can clean the intestines and stomach, promote the timely discharge of metabolic waste, thus aiding in weight loss.

Brewing Method

The brewing method for dark tea is similar to that of other teas, and a lidded bowl is generally used.

  1. Warming the Pot and Cups: Place the white porcelain lidded bowl and matching tea utensils in the tea wash, pour in just-boiled water, let it warm for 3-5 minutes, then take them out, and rinse them again with boiling water. This is beneficial for initially stimulating the character of dark tea.
  2. Adding Tea and Rinsing: Put 10 grams of dark tea into the tea bowl, then pour in boiling water, cover with the lid, let it steep for 10 seconds, and pour out the tea. This is to moisten the tea and ensure the purity and sweetness of the subsequent tea soup.
  3. Brewing: Slowly pour boiling water along the edge of the tea set, cover with the lid, let it steep for 15-20 seconds, and then drink the tea. For subsequent infusions, extend the steeping time by about 10 seconds for each infusion after the first 5 infusions, and it’s generally recommended to start with 30 seconds.
  4. Enjoying the Tea: Bring the tea water in the cup to the tea cup and drink it directly.

Common Dark Teas

Yunnan Pu’er Tea (云南普洱茶), Hunan Dark Tea (湖南黑茶), Sichuan Tibetan Tea (四川藏茶), Guangxi Liubao Tea (广西六堡茶), Hubei Qingzhuan Tea (湖北青砖茶), Shaanxi Fuzhuan Tea (陕西茯茶), and Anhui Gu Yi Dark Tea (安徽古黟黑茶), among others.


Explore the diverse world of Chinese tea through varieties like Oolong, Green, White, Red, Yellow, and Dark Teas. From the semi-fermented allure of Oolong to the vibrant freshness of Green Tea, each type offers a unique flavor profile. Delving into Red Tea, known for its robust aroma and amber infusion, and the distinctive post-fermentation process of Dark Tea, the blog unveils the craftsmanship behind each. Discover the art of brewing and the potential health benefits, making it an invitation to savor the richness of Chinese tea varieties. Why not embark on a journey to taste the essence of China’s tea culture?

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