Sayram Lake: Your Next Must-Visit Destination

Sayram Lake, often called the last tear of the Atlantic, is a breathtaking destination that promises an unforgettable experience. From its pristine waters and stunning natural scenery to its rich cultural heritage and exciting activities, Sayram Lake is a must-visit for any traveler. Discover travel tips, top attractions, and more to plan your perfect trip to this enchanting lake.
The beautiful scenery of Sailimu Lake is like a cartoon world

Sayram Lake, located in the Bortala Mongol Autonomous Prefecture in Xinjiang, China, near Yili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture, is often referred to as the “last tear of the Atlantic.”

It is renowned for being the highest, largest, and most beautiful alpine lake in Xinjiang, with a captivating blend of mountain, lake, forest, grassland, wetland, and glacier landscapes.

Key Facts About Sayram Lake

  • Chinese Name: 赛里木湖
  • Location: Northern Tianshan Mountains, Bortala Mongol Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang, China.
  • Altitude: 2,071 meters above sea level.
  • Best Time to Visit: Late spring to early autumn (May to September).
  • Admission Fee: 70 RMB per person; 75 RMB for the shuttle bus ticket.
The surface of Sayram Lake reflects the blue sky and white clouds
Image Source: [千库网]

Discover the Story of Sayram Lake

Sayram Lake, historically known as “Pure Sea,” is not only famous for its stunning natural scenery but also for its rich historical and cultural background.


Approximately 70 million years ago, the collision of the Indian and Eurasian plates caused the uplift of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Over a prolonged geological history, the plateau continued to rise, creating a high-altitude basin surrounded by mountains, which eventually formed Sayram Lake through glacial meltwater.

Historical and Cultural Significance

Sayram Lake has long been a crucial stop along the northern grassland Silk Road. It has been a place of hunting, grazing, and cultural convergence for nomadic peoples, leaving behind a wealth of historical relics and cultural heritage. During the Qing Dynasty, the eastern shore housed a military post known as “Santai Haizi,” highlighting its strategic military importance.


Sayram Lake boasts excellent water quality and rich plankton, providing a perfect habitat for over 30 fish species, including the renowned high whitefish and Salvelinus leucomaenis. The lake is also Xinjiang’s largest bird sanctuary, with more than 100 bird species breeding and wintering here.

Legends and Myths

A long time ago, Sayram Lake was a vast sea. A brave Kazakh youth shot two evil dragons in the sea with his arrows, causing the sea to dry up and form Sayram Lake.

Love Legend

Sayram Lake is said to be the crystallization of love between a young Kazakh couple. According to the legend, the couple, separated due to family reasons, were transformed by the heavens into Sayram Lake and the nearby Guozigou Bridge, allowing them to be together forever.

The breeze blew the surface of Sayram Lake and created ripples
Image Source: [千库网]

Why is Sayram Lake Known as the “Last Tear of the Atlantic”?

Sayram Lake is poetically referred to as the “last tear of the Atlantic” due to its unique geographical and climatic conditions.

Geographic Location

Sayram Lake is situated in a high-altitude basin in the western Tianshan Mountains. This location places it on the windward side of the mid-latitude westerlies, allowing moisture from the Atlantic Ocean to reach this area after a long journey.

Climatic Features

The Atlantic Ocean’s water evaporates under solar radiation and travels across the globe via atmospheric circulation and wind. Sayram Lake is where this journey ends, making it the last point of Atlantic moisture in Xinjiang, thus earning the poetic title “last tear of the Atlantic.”

Lake Formation

Sayram Lake’s formation is closely tied to Atlantic moisture. When this moisture reaches the northern Tianshan Mountains, it rises due to the terrain, causing abundant precipitation and giving birth to Sayram Lake. Without the Atlantic moisture, Sayram Lake would not exist.

Water Cycle

The Tianshan region in Xinjiang is primarily influenced by westerlies, bringing Atlantic moisture to this area, leading to precipitation that nourishes Sayram Lake and the local ecosystem.

It’s important to note that the title “last tear of the Atlantic” is more of a poetic expression than a scientifically precise definition. While the Atlantic is not the sole source of moisture for Sayram Lake, and it is not the final destination for Atlantic moisture, this title adds a unique charm and romantic appeal to Sayram Lake from a cultural and emotional perspective.

The beautiful scenery of Sailimu Lake is like a cartoon world
Image Source: [千库网]

What to Do at Sayram Lake

Sayram Lake is a multifaceted scenic area, encompassing mountains, lakes, forests, grasslands, wetlands, and glaciers, offering visitors a rich tapestry of natural beauty and cultural heritage.

Sayram Lake offers a variety of activities and sights, making it a comprehensive tourist destination. Here’s a detailed look at the highlights:

Natural Scenery

Sayram Lake is known for its pristine water, with transparency reaching 10-12 meters. The surrounding area boasts stunning landscapes, from grassy plains to snow-capped peaks.

  1. Moon Bay (月亮湾)
    • The first scenic spot at the eastern gate, named for its crescent shape. It offers panoramic views, including a row of snow-capped mountains, making it perfect for landscape photography.
  2. Borhan Mountain (博尔罕山)
    • A 10-kilometer stretch featuring Siberian wild juniper, resembling camouflage from a distance, hence the nickname “Camouflage Mountain.”
  3. Sailing Stream (风帆溪)
    • Known for the eight golden characters “西域净海 赛里木湖 (Western Pure Sea Sayram Lake)” engraved on a giant boulder. A small stream flows into the lake here, giving it the name “Sailing Stream.”
  4. Blessing Pavilion (祈福亭)
    • A popular spot at the northern gate featuring a giant stone resembling a golden toad. Nearby is a pavilion offering the highest vantage point in the northern part of the lake.
  5. Commander’s Terrace (点将台)
    • A historical and spiritual site revered by the Mongolian people. It offers expansive views of the lake and is associated with Genghis Khan’s military campaigns.
  6. Golden Flowers and Purple Herbs (金花紫卉)
    • In the Three Terraces Grassland, visitors can witness a sea of flowers during the thawing season, making it an ideal spot for flower viewing.
  7. Kele Spring (克勒涌珠)
    • Located in the lake’s freshwater marshlands, it’s the only part of the lake that doesn’t freeze in winter, with continuous spring water flow.
  8. Pine Tree Hill (松树头)
    • A summer destination accessible via winding wooden walkways, offering a panoramic view of Sayram Lake. The pine forest is fragrant, with several wooden platforms for relaxation.
  9. S-Curve Road (S弯公路)
    • A scenic drive from the eastern to the southern gate, known for its picturesque views of snow-capped mountains and flower fields, ideal for photography.
  10. Waterfront Beach (亲水滩)
    • A platform close to the water, often allowing for interactions with swans. It’s surrounded by flower fields, perfect for a leisurely stroll.
  11. Three Terraces Grassland (三台草原)
    • In late spring and early summer, the area is dotted with blooming flowers and grazing livestock, making it one of the lake’s most visually pleasing spots.

Seasonal Highlights

Each season at Sayram Lake offers unique attractions:

  1. Spring: Melting Blue Ice: From March to April, the lake thaws, creating a striking blend of ice and water. Visitors can witness the transition from winter to spring up close.
  2. Summer: Blooming Wildflowers: Late spring to early summer is the best time to visit, with the alpine meadows in full bloom, turning the area into a colorful flower sea.
  3. Autumn: Golden Majesty: By September, the surrounding grasslands turn golden, creating a stunning contrast with the blue lake. The mild temperatures and serene atmosphere make it perfect for leisurely walks.
  4. Winter: Blue Ice and Ice Bubbles: From late December, the lake freezes, turning into a crystal-clear expanse that glows like sapphire under the sun.

Recreational Activities

Sayram Lake offers various recreational activities, enhancing the visitor experience:

  1. Traditional Boats (Location: Commander’s Terrace): Enjoy a serene boat ride reminiscent of ancient Chinese poetry, providing a unique perspective of the lake.
  2. Sailing Boats (Location: Moon Bay): Sail on the lake, enjoying the reflections of snow-capped mountains and the deep blue waters.
  3. Rainbow Slide (Location: Blessing Pavilion): A popular attraction offering thrilling rides down a colorful slide, providing a mix of beauty and excitement.
  4. Helicopter Rides (Location: Moon Bay): Get a bird’s eye view of Sayram Lake, appreciating the vast landscapes from above.
  5. Powered Paragliding (Location: Ten-Mile Embankment): Glide over the lake and flower fields, enjoying the cool breeze and stunning views from the sky.
  6. Non-Powered Paragliding (Location: Swan Leisure, Ten-Mile Embankment): An eco-friendly way to explore the skies, getting close to nature and experiencing the thrill of flight.
  7. Horse and Camel Rides: Experience nomadic life by riding horses and camels around the lake, immersing yourself in the local culture.

Naadam Festival

The Naadam Festival at Sayram Lake is a cultural extravaganza featuring a mix of traditional and modern activities:

  1. Traditional Competitions: Horse racing and goat snatching showcase local customs and traditions, offering visitors an immersive cultural experience.
  2. Cultural Performances: Enjoy traditional dances and music, providing a feast for the eyes and ears.
  3. Winter Activities: Engage in karting and snowmobiling, adding excitement to the winter months.
  4. Folk Shows: Witness various folk activities, including horse races on snow, bringing joy to visitors.
  5. Art Performances: Enjoy a variety of artistic performances, enriching the cultural experience.
  6. Camping Area: Spend the night under the stars, enjoying the tranquility and mystery of the grasslands.
  7. Bonfire Parties: As night falls, join in the bonfire parties, with singers providing delightful music and dance.

These comprehensive attractions and activities make Sayram Lake a must-visit destination, offering a blend of natural beauty, cultural richness, and recreational fun.

In autumn, the grass on the shore of Sayram Lake turns golden yellow.
Image Source: [千库网]

Travel Tips for Visiting Sayram Lake

Excited to visit Sayram Lake after reading all about its beauty? Before you head out, here are some essential travel tips to make your trip smooth and enjoyable.

How to Get There

There are several ways to reach Sayram Lake:

  1. By Plane: Fly to Bole Airport from your city. If there are no direct flights to Bole, you can first fly to Urumqi Airport and then take a connecting flight to Bole.
  2. By Train: Take a train to Bole City, and then from the Bole train station square, board the Sayram Lake tourist shuttle directly to the scenic area.
  3. By Car: If you have a private vehicle, you can drive to Sayram Lake. It takes about an hour to drive from Bole City to the Sayram Lake scenic area. Once there, you can drive along the lake road to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

Accommodation Recommendations

Sayram Lake offers a variety of accommodations to suit different travelers’ needs. Here are some recommended places to stay:

  1. Bolige Hotel: Located in Bortala Mongol Autonomous Prefecture, Bole City, it provides a comfortable environment.
  2. Bole Say Lake Cloud Hotel: Situated at the East Gate base of Sayram Lake, it offers budget-friendly accommodations.
  3. Bole Sea View Hotel: Located 20 meters east of the Sayram Lake Tourist Reception Center on National Road 30 in Xiaoyingpan Town, Bole City, it is also a budget-friendly option.

For unique lodging experiences, consider:

  1. RV Campsites: From the East Gate to the South Gate of Sayram Lake, there are four RV campsites and a hotel shaped like a Mongolian yurt. These campsites offer RV rentals and yurt accommodations, ensuring privacy and a unique experience.
  2. Sea View Hotel: Next to the Tourist Center, this hotel has Mongolian-style decor and offers rooms for groups of 3-6 people, blending simplicity with charm.
  3. Cloud Hotel and Impression Apartment Hotel: These hotels offer common room types suitable for families and friends, making them good choices for group travel.
  4. Ruhai Homestay: With wooden structures and artistic decor, it’s perfect for couples or friends to enjoy the lakeside scenery and relax in a serene environment.

For those with a higher budget, consider luxury options like Shuiyunshan Wild Luxury Hotel or the Kruger Camp in the Hot Springs Town for a premium experience and environment.

Suggested Itinerary

To make the most of your visit, enter Sayram Lake from the East Gate and tour the lake counterclockwise, exiting from the South Gate. This route maximizes your exposure to both natural beauty and cultural landmarks while avoiding peak tourist times.

  1. Day 1: Depart from Urumqi and drive to Sayram Lake. Upon arrival, visit the Western Sea Grassland and enjoy the stunning scenery. Then head to the Waterfront Beach to see swans and nearby flower fields. In the evening, dine at a local restaurant in the scenic area to experience the rich cultural flavors.
  2. Day 2: After breakfast, visit Commander’s Terrace for a panoramic view of the lake. Next, head to Pine Tree Hill to see the Guozigou Bridge and surrounding valleys. After lunch, take photos along the S-Curve Road to capture the grandeur and tranquility of nature. End your trip by exiting from the South Gate in the evening.

Best Photo Spots at Sayram Lake

Sayram Lake offers numerous picturesque spots, perfect for photography enthusiasts:

  1. Moon Bay: Located at the entrance of Sayram Lake, it’s ideal for large scenic photos, including landscape and wedding shots with the backdrop of snow-capped peaks.
  2. Departure Hall: Near the lake shore with a long beach and distant snow-capped mountains, perfect for lakefront wedding photos.
  3. Diving Bay: With its rocky beach, it’s great for capturing water or playful water shots.
  4. Swan Lake: This area is best for photographing flocks of swans gliding on the clear lake surface.
  5. Lighthouse: Ideal for Japanese-style photos, combining blue skies, lake water, and a small drop for a fresh vibe.
  6. Viewing Platform: Overlooking Sayram Lake with forest and lake views on the left and Guozigou’s beauty on the right, any snapshot here is a masterpiece.
  7. Heartless Island Grassland: Near the lakeside, this less crowded area with tall wild grass is perfect for mood shots.

Helpful Tips

To ensure a safe and enjoyable visit to Sayram Lake, keep these tips in mind:

  1. Climate and Clothing: Sayram Lake is at a high altitude, with variable weather and large temperature differences between day and night. Dress appropriately for the season and be prepared for cold weather.
  2. Sun Protection and Moisturizing: The high altitude means stronger UV rays. Use sunscreen and wear a hat to protect yourself from the sun. The air is dry, so bring lip balm and hand cream to stay moisturized.
  3. Safety Precautions: Follow the scenic area’s rules, avoid climbing or damaging facilities, and stay safe during water activities by adhering to safety guidelines.
  4. Respect Local Customs: The area around Sayram Lake is home to various ethnic groups. Respect local customs and religious beliefs to avoid unnecessary conflicts or misunderstandings.
  5. Environmental Protection: Use designated walkways and viewing platforms, avoid stepping on grass areas, and don’t litter or discard cigarette butts on the grass.

By following these travel tips and suggestions, you’ll be well-prepared to enjoy the breathtaking beauty and rich culture of Sayram Lake, making your trip memorable and fulfilling.

Sunflowers near Sayram Lake
Image Source: [Unsplash]


Sayram Lake, often referred to as the “Last Tear of the Atlantic,” is an enchanting destination that offers a unique blend of natural beauty and cultural richness. Its crystal-clear waters, surrounded by majestic snow-capped mountains and lush meadows, create a picturesque landscape that’s perfect for relaxation and exploration.

With a variety of activities, stunning scenic spots, and practical travel tips, Sayram Lake is a must-visit destination that promises unforgettable memories. Whether you’re seeking adventure or tranquility, the breathtaking beauty and serene ambiance of Sayram Lake make it a worthy addition to your travel bucket list.

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